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a.   They took the weather men to task for deluging the geograph-
-s with a thunder storm in New York Harbor. They quizzed warded sages of thrice their age as to what they thought of Amer-an women. They cracked their jokes upon the Babel of tongues, at there was really no Babel, for nearly every member spoke a uprising amount of good English. They were eager to get Euro-ean opinion on certain phases of polar discovery. One solemn iitorial held forth to the visitors a '' chest-swelling'' greeting. The jporters made merry with the stature of the tallest European aographer, and they were fond of calling the members of the party savants." They cartooned the whiskers of the geographers and iade abundant comment on the different types of facial adornment, otwithstanding, they were attentive and serious in their desire to jport the doings and intent of the excursion and to give the Euro-ean members a voice to the American public. The historian's col-jction of clippings reveals few of the failings and many of the good eserts of the American editor and reporter. The amount of labor performed on the train and during the con-,antly recurring field excursions was prodigious. The convenience f the whole party limited the time which the specialist could give p-en to those things which most keenly interested him. The geol-ajist could not deliberately pick his specimens and draw his sections, nd the botanist could only make a dash at the flora before the ital concerted call came to enter the stage or board the train. Ger-lan, Austrian, Eussian, Swede, Frenchman and Briton vied with ich other in writing volumes of notes, forerunners of the crop of Ecellent papers and books on America that has already begun to ipen (June, 1913) in the geographic centers of Europe.4 Some
* The f ollowiag is as complete a list as it has been possible to compile of the apers -written by the European members as a consequence of the excursion: . BASTIAN: Les canaux de 1'Etat de New York. Annalea de Giogr., Vol. 22,
1913, pp. 115-119. [. BATJLIG: Lea plateaux de lave du Washington central et la Grand'Ooule'e,
Annales de G6ogr., Vol. 22, 1913, pp. 149-159. L 0. BEOKIT: The American Transcontinental Excursion of 1912, IE:  The
United States National Parks, Qeogr. Journ., Vol. 42, 1913, pp. 333-342. !. BBUCKOTR: Die transkontinentale Exkursion der Amerikanischen Geographi-
schen Qesellschaft durch die Vereinigten Staaten, August bis Oktober 1912,
Mitt, der Tc. Ts. geogr. Gesell. in Wten, Vol 56, 1913, pp. 611-651.
— Die grbsste Volkahochschule der Welt (Scranton), Internat. Woohensohnft
fur Wwaensohaft, Kwist und Teohnik, 1914.   Leipzig. L OALOIATI- L'eseursione geograflca transcontinentale 1912 negli Stati Uniti
d'America, Boll. Eedle 8oc. Geogr., 5th Series, Vol. 2, 1913, pp. 471-513.